The Mystery of Death: Is There Life on the Other Side?

Stop believing and just KNOW the afterlife is real!

The Mystery of Death: Is There Life on the Other Side?

Here is a sneak peek of what happened to me today, I have taken it straight out of my new book, The Power of Everything, which I am in the middle of writing:

It is Friday the 24th of May 2024 and I am in the middle of editing this book when something wonderful just happened to me. I decided to walk up to the top of the hill I live by and look upon. I recently moved to Wales and frustratingly I haven’t had many opportunities to walk the area due to unpacking, caring for my dad, and then getting hit with shingles and arthritic symptoms. Well, today I decided enough was enough and I would march myself, and my dog, up to the top of the hill.

When I was up the top, on a path I had never been before, I decided to do something spontaneous and very spiritual. I swear that this was not planned at all and is 100% genuine. Thankfully it is all captured on video, which you can see on my blog.

As I started filming using my mobile phone, I decided to contact the spiritual world for their advice on whether it was right for me to stay living in Wales. Indirectly I also wanted to show others like you that there really is a non-physical world. This in turn would show you that there is also a life after death.

Remembering the four leafed clover test, I again, live on camera, asked my spirit guide (Arthur) to lead me to a four leafed clover. You must appreciate that I was standing in a place I had never been before. I had absolutely no idea what the geographical layout was, and even as I write this I still don’t, I have only been living here for 3 months. And so when I asked Arthur to lead me to a four leafed clover it really was a case of me having zero idea whether there were even any three leafed clovers to be found let alone four leafed ones.

As the video shows, I was led to a crossroads, four paths literally led in all directions. I couldn't have made this up any better. I had no idea there were four paths there before I made the video and their sudden appearance significantly increased the odds of me choosing the correct path. Next I decided to choose a path using my “soul instinct” and minutes later I found myself staring at a four leafed clover! I was stunned. This was such an amazing moment, and one I hope will show others that what they are reading in this book is real. The frustration is that everyone is innately aware that what they are reading is true, the question always is, are they ready to awaken and remember they knew and feel the truth within them. Within their soul. I hope you do….