Purity of the Silhouette

"In the spin of life's orchard, every shadow dances toward the light, revealing the pure outline of happiness today" CJB

image of a lark on dew grass by an apple tree with a sun coming up in darkness

Consider the lark, the early riser,
Its echoing call like a violin string,
Stretching before dawn's first dew,
A purity of shape, its silhouette so clean.

The line, not its color, holds the truth,
An outline in absence, a ghostly shape.
The lucid memory of a lover's touch,
A shadow recalling a past unseen.

A dark orchard yawns, spinning its apples,
Its branches black against sky's first light,
Silhouettes pure, drawn in charcoal,
Each curve, each angle, a study of grace.

And when night returns the moon's shadow,
The earth will again close its silent curtains—
To the joy of all silhouettes, a reminder,
Even in darkness there's a purity of light.

So we chase these outlines, these daily scenes,
Opening our heart to the art of living, to love,
And we accept the truth of the shadows' dance,
The purity of the silhouette, our silent compass.