STOP the hate!

Haters! Haters!
Are ya all waiters?
Waiting on God,
To bake ya taters?
Or is it chips?
Ya well, it slips!
Don’t ya despise?
How’s it all going?
The not knowing?
Haters! Haters!
Nothing but waiters!
Waiting for love—
It’s there above!
Ya buried it—
In yer apples and pears!
All ya bleedin’ haters!
Ding! Ding!
Can ya hear the?
Bling! Bling!
Or is it the?
Ring! Ring!
How’s it all going?
The not knowing?
Stop hating! It’s grating!
Instead, opt for soul hacking—
Do some creating!
Swap the hating!
It’s too deflating.
Hot taters— chips—
This food ain’t relating...
Are ya dating?
Stop the hate!
Before it’s too late—
For ya!
Fancy a brew?
"This poem is one that came out of nowhere and half way up a VERY steep hill whilst walking my dog! Not sure where it came from or why— but aren't those the best poems!? I wonder where the Cockney Rhyming slang angle came from??? As for the video, I tried a new technique and new creator stuff, not sure it worked but it was fun!"