(For Creative Souls)
❤️ Do you love listening to or writing poetry or songs?
❤️ Do you love singing, listening to, or making music?
❤️ Do you enjoy reading or writing short stories?
❤️ Do you consider yourself an author or love other authors?
❤️ Do you love experiencing art, or creating your own - be it paintings, digital art, sculptures, or pottery?
❤️ Do you have a passion for practical crafts like baking, knitting, photography, or following recipes?
❤️ Do you love engaging in other types of practical creation, such as developing innovative business solutions or DIY projects?
❤️ Do you love creating good relationships?
❤️ Do you love creating a healthier body?
🖤 No? Okay, well, this blog might not be your cup of tea.
💚 Yes! This blog's definitely for you: GET READY TO LOVE!
(For Caring Souls)
❤️ Have you ever loved someone who didn't love you back?
❤️ Do you wish to feel more loved?
❤️ Are you eager to experience and create things that make you feel loved?
❤️ Do you believe you possess the power within you to love today?
🖤 No? Okay, well, this blog might not be for you today.
💚 Yes! This blog's definitely for you: TIME TO LOVE EVERYTHING TODAY!
(For Loving Souls)
Okay, now we've filtered out those this blog might not suit today, it's time for those remaining to experience the love this blog sends their way ✨ 💫
Thankfully as a creative and loving soul you don't hold grudges. You respect everyone's opinion, especially if you don't agree with it.
You're someone who knows what unconditional love is. You care deeply about things. You will make positive changes whenever you're shown how.
This is now about you creatively exploring your soul and it's infinite love for you and everything connected to you. By loving everything you'll find the answers you seek and the joy you deserve to create a happy 🥰 soulful life.
Get ready to awaken to the awareness of who you really are and how you fit into the grand scheme of loving everything.
But first, you must be able to take a compliment to sustain soul happiness:
💖 YOU are incredibly beautiful!
💖 YOU are incredibly powerful!
Okay, if you are new to this flattery, let's have a quick detox, it's what CJB calls a "Skeptic's Spiritual Word Vomit". Ready? Let's get it out of your system: 🤮 AWAKEN, KINDNESS, LOVE, COMPASSION, SOUL, HAPPINESS, HEALING, WELL-BEING, JOY... Can you think of any more words?
Enough of this silliness (NEVER 😈), look, this blog is for every type of creative soul. It doesn't matter what you believe; this is the one place on digital earth where you can be your true self!
Creativity mixed with love is key 🗝️ to unlocking your soul happiness and you hold that key, always. You can create any soul act you wish; from physical things, to imagined things. Yes, YOU do have that power in you!
CJB's role in this is simple. He and the community are here to encourage you to be the best version of you—TODAY!—WOAH! Does this phrasing go into the vomit mix above? It was close wasn't it! 🤢
Okay, let's make a pact. Stop getting defensive and triggered by words that point to anything spiritual or happy and the like.
You need to learn to let the light 🌟 in. How does CJB know this? He's the world's biggest skeptic when it comes to things like this. He over analyzes EVERYTHING (new book coming soon). He cannot automatically take someone's happy vibe for proof that what they are spouting is true. After all, people can do drugs and feel great, but he doesn't want to follow their lead!
Let's wrap this up, because the final thing for you to experience and maintain soul happiness is for you to give this blog your time 😱. He knows that sounds pretty obvious and cheesy, but it isn't! Unless you like 🧀 cheese? 🐁
You need CJB to help you feel THE love, and then most importantly to stay feeling the love! Otherwise this blog becomes like a massage. You enjoy it whilst you're having it, but eventually you'll forget and feel stressed again.
Another key point is CJB is happy to be proven wrong at any point, his ego is well under control. If you don't agree with anything, speak from your heart with kindness and he'll always be willing to discuss your perspective. After all, variety is the spice of life! And 🌈 rainbows also need to have more than one color! He wants to hear what you think, he wants to learn from you too!
Yes, your world is always going to be just as important as his—which leads you to the "CJB" aspect of this blog. It has grown from him to you, and to so many other creative and loving people. "CJB" is kind of a brand now, one that's about showing you love through creative thinking, love that heals and brings you hardcore soul happiness (the kind that doesn't make you want to run away! 🥰).
Are you ready to seize today?
🖤 No? Okay, it's been great having you here, take care.
💚 Yes! This blog's definitely for you: TIME TO SEIZE TODAY!
Where do you go from here?
The new book (coming soon) is the next step, to understand where everything you see here is coming from and how you can act to make your life feel like a soulful heaven!
Next, as a musical artist named "" you're encouraged to follow, listen and share the love of music. Over time there'll be tour dates, especially if you show your support, Glastonbury is a dream you could help make happen, imagine a field full of loving creative folk dancing in muddy wellies to Summer Rain and Creeper! You 🫵 can be a part of this soulful music journey starting (you guessed it)—TODAY!
And 😁 obviously you're encouraged to follow "@CJBtoday" on social media; you can join the creative and loving community—TODAY! They happily support each other's creativity; from poems, songs, and kind chats in the comments (note, there are buttons at the bottom of most posts on this blog that will take you directly to the X chats - they're like magical 🪄✨😊 teleportation devices 💫🥰).
Also note, membership will be opening up here later in the year, if you fancy escaping social media for a bit and experiencing full on CJB 💘 love? And to keep repeating, he knows he's being pushy about this, but CJB needs to request you keep coming back to this blog each day 🙏.
Yes, you really do need to come back here daily to keep your love alive, your artistic juices flowing, stay awakened, and tone your creative muscles. He's not just spinning words; this is real advice! Ever tried getting a six-pack just by thinking about it? If you have, please share your secret with him! 💪😂
Seriously, acting with creative love is the answer to everything you need. Together let's LOVE EVERYTHING—TODAY! There is so much love and wonder in everything you face each day, let's share it creatively through as many artistic outlets as we can think of. Let's have fun!
🔔 And don't forget to tag your social media creation with #Creating365
Has that last part got too sickly sweet? Okay, shall we have an "Artistic Word Vomit"? Okay: 🤮 Painting, Poetry (Poems), Videos, Sculpting, Singing, Songs, Music, Drawings, Cooking, Short Stories, Photography, Dancing... Can you think of any more?
Okay enough. Do you remember when your class teacher used to shout that out. CLASS ENOUGH! No? Okay maybe it was just CJB's teacher! Listen, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. All CJB asks now is that you click the button below and creatively awaken your loving nature—TODAY! Why wait?
PS: There's more information about CJB the person and the CJB mission 🌈 HERE!