Hello 👋
CJB Creates, Awakens & Inspires 💛
Hello, I'm Christian Jacques Bennett, otherwise known as CJB.
I analyze life, love & everything.
In 2012, after my (ex) wife told me she hadn't loved me for a long time, I found myself searching for the meaning of everything. I wanted to know what was the point of life? I never really expected to find it. But find it I did!
Why should you care?
My aim is to share with you everything I've learnt because I have gone from wanting to end my life to wanting to enjoy my life.
I created this blog as a place to practice what I preach. To share with you how much happier I am today so you can be too.
What do I preach?
Spiritually, I preach that you are part of the Body of Everything (BoE) and all of the powers that come with that fact.
By connecting to Everything with your soul awareness, you will be able to tap into the Power of Everything (PoE - book coming soon!) and unlock your soul power/s which will enable you to experience life from a very happy, healthy and positive perspective.
Sometimes I feel like I'm still 16* but it's taken me 34 years to know what I wanted to do with my life! Annoyingly "Old-Age" doesn't care! (Hence I am passionate about helping young people learn to face their fears, to take chances, have adventures - but also for older people to do the same because in reality it is never too late when you know your soul can never age!
At 50* I've also learnt to let go of worrying what other people think and just enjoy myself. I wear Crocs because they are comfortable and I sometimes don weird yellow glasses to make the world seem brighter (check out my logo).
I love to create art, poetry, songs, books and use many other mediums to satisfy my creativity and connect myself with the feeling of joy and love. I share everything I create in this blog. I'm finally living out my dream to create and share without fear.
I wasted most of my life fearing critics. I did what society wanted back in the old days. I went to work early. Climbed a career ladder. Then it all ended and the worst thing was, nobody cared. Well, apart from me, I ended up caring for my 95 year old dad.
If this blog can help one person to awaken their soul power like I have. To feel happy and carefree even when, in my case, my youth is disappearing fast and most of those I love most are coming to the end of their lives. To be positive and hopeful even when society seems to be dissolving. To remain carefree when agoraphobia tries to ruin my life, plus all the rest... Seriously, if just one person is awakened by me being bold enough to share the most amazing and liberating truth ever, then this is all worth it.
The question I have for you is: Why wouldn't you want to remind yourself of the power of everything and feel good no matter what life throws at you?
The elephant in the room.
If you are like me (I am just being honest) I always feel a bit - what is the word - annoyed - when I get the feeling someone is pretending to care for others but really they are after their hard earned money.
That is why I want to be honest from the outset about my money intentions. Like you, and many others, of course I would love to have infinite amounts of money. Simply because the game of life humans have created forces us to need it. Right?
However, I try my best to be open with how I make my money. It is mostly through my creative works. My art, my poetry, my books, my clothing, my coaching and my blog subscriptions. Oh and there is good old fashioned tip requests too, you can literally buy me a coffee if you want?
I also give things away for free as much as possible. Much of my content is free to read even though it can take a long time to create.
If you ever feel annoyed at me for something, don't hold back, contact me. Let me know. My intentions are always good. I'm sure we'll be able to make sense of any confusion.
⚠️ One last thing. I have to say this. My one disclaimer is that you always seek professional advice before acting on anything that comes via me. You are always fully responsible for your actions and their outcomes. Plus, with any offers and sales, I always retain the right to change my mind at any time whilst abiding by the laws of my resident nation. Finally, please note all CJB content is copyrighted.
Now that is out of the way, let's get you awakened & feeling good 💪💛
I always remember Will.I.Am stating in an interview that people should do their own thing. To do what they love so they never have to work a day in their life (I know others have used that quote). He said people should create their own world, do it their way, and with enough love and enthusiasm, others will notice their individuality and want to be part of it.
That advice has stuck with me ever since.
I have been trying to create my own digital world for a while now. I built my first website decades ago and dozens more since then.
Each of my website projects have been an improvement on the one before, but every single one seemed to have something missing.
I wasn't able to fully craft my digital world for others to see. It was frustrating. It was like wanting to bake a cake but you do not have all of the ingredients.
Thankfully, technology has reached and amazing stage. I am a massive AI fan. I believe artificial intelligence is going to help the human race evolve. In that regard it has helped me evolve digitally.
It has helped me explore my creative side without much limitation. Finally I feel set free to create my world my way and share it with others as I have always hoped. I am so excited you are here and read this far. Seriously excited.
It's time to awaken. Ready?
✍️ PS: Please note that many CJB poems are confined to use the daily prompt provided by vss365today.com on X